
Showing posts from July, 2022

Where To Get Gait Analysis For Running Shoes In London

They are the essential element of a truly bespoke footwear solution. Our feet are highly complex and form the primary support structure of our bodies. Finding a running shoe that fits and supports your feet correctly is therefore key. Fault movement patterns occur when we employ the wrong muscles – or use the right muscles in the wrong way – over an extended period of time. This causes poor alignment of the joints they protect and the muscles become weakened and overburdened. This can often lead to injury and pain and a significant reduction in performance. What To Expect From Your Gait & Running Assessment? Insight into how you run, advice on strength and conditioning, and a tailored running program including specific drills that will be your guide to better running. We see runners for running gait analysis when they have injuries, and also those who are pain-free and want help with their performance or to reduce their risk of future injuries. There is nothing quite like getti