Where To Get Gait Analysis For Running Shoes In London

They are the essential element of a truly bespoke footwear solution. Our feet are highly complex and form the primary support structure of our bodies. Finding a running shoe that fits and supports your feet correctly is therefore key. Fault movement patterns occur when we employ the wrong muscles – or use the right muscles in the wrong way – over an extended period of time. This causes poor alignment of the joints they protect and the muscles become weakened and overburdened. This can often lead to injury and pain and a significant reduction in performance.

What To Expect From Your Gait & Running Assessment?

Insight into how you run, advice on strength and conditioning, and a tailored running program including specific drills that will be your guide to better running. We see runners for running gait analysis when they have injuries, and also those who are pain-free and want help with their performance or to reduce their risk of future injuries. There is nothing quite like getting a gait analysis in-store. The latest software, years of experience and the ability to try on multiple shoes make our gait analysis one of a kind!

Biomechanical Running Analysis In London

Gait analysis matches the runner’s degree of pronation with the correct shoe type. The aim is to counterbalance the overpronation or underpronation to help to reduce the risk of injury and improve running efficiency. The Centre provides three dimensional analysis for those patients who require the most advanced form of gait investigation currently available. The assessment is ideal for patient who opt for a no compromise approach to gait analysis. It is invaluable in the assessment of professional athletes, paediatrics and for complex injury management.

Injuries can be devastating to anyone, whether in the sporting field or not. Conducted at our clinic in St James's London, our running assessment uses treadmill analysis and physical tests to examine each client's situation and determine the best course of action. Once you’ve been given your running profile, by the OnScan, it will tell you where you’re most likely to get injuries, and how you can avoid them.

Working with a physio also allowed me to remain injury-free as any niggles would be treated there and then before turning into injuries. Signed up to aid my return to football following a torn calf muscle. The session put me through my paces and provided a clear roadmap for optimal recovery and maintenance thereafter. Recommended for anyone looking to return to sport or improve performance. They have plenty of space and several of their physios have worked with national sports teams and professional sportspeople.

The Running Works

Brooks are a great brand and have a good selection of different styles of running shoes. However, your comfort is of utmost importance and so matching each runner to the perfect shoe is what we specialise in. At Balance Performance Physiotherapy we have a wealth of experience in working Running Analysis in London with runners. Our specialist running therapists are passionate, knowledgeable and expert in all things running. The way you run, without doubt, determines both how efficient a runner you are – and economical with your energy – and how vulnerable to stress, strain and injury you are.
